These estimates are vital to the rapid growth that is occurring in the use of wind power, serving to reduce the risk of building wind turbines in areas that later proved to be inadequate.
Some studies have predicted a decrease in wind speed in various parts of the world, including Australia. However, recent research results driven by CSIRO show that in fact, for practical purposes for wind, average wind speed in Australia is increasing.
A team of scientists dedicated to CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research has completed a thorough analysis of observations on the wind speed, in order to predict long-term trends in wind speed in Australia.
Alberto Troccoli's team has found that the trends in wind speeds in Australia are sensitive to the height of the measuring station.The winds measured at 10 feet show a tendency to increase speed, just the opposite from that indicated by a previous study in which only measured the wind speed at 2 meters high.
Light winds measured at 10 meters, a height that best represents the free atmospheric flow, tend to increase faster than average winds, while winds tend to rise more slowly than average winds.Light and strong winds measured at a height of 2 meters tend to vary in line with the average winds.
Alberto Troccoli's team has determined that the average speed of the wind in Australia measured at a height of 10 meters has grown by 0.69 percent annually, while there has been a decline of 0.36 percent annually for wind speed measured at a height of 2 meters, in both cases during the period 1989-2006.
It is expected that wind energy production increase markedly in the coming years, and therefore the associated electrical system shall be subject to variations of hundreds of megawatts, depending on the availability of wind in each period.
The ability to accurately quantify long-term variations is essential for the wind sector from the economic point of view.