The European Commissioner for Climate Action, ConnieHedegaard, today congratulated the Government of Australiahave decided to set up from July 1, 2012 a tax on emission of one ton of carbon dioxide.
"I applaud Australia for its commitment to put a price onemissions (carbon dioxide) carbon and introduce emissionstrading scheme starting in July 2015," he said in a statement.
"Our emissions trading system (in Europe) has led the industrymore aware to establish ways of working very creative and innovative solutions that help reduce emissions and reducing costs," he said.
This creativity, he stressed, can also develop skills and experience in the industries of the future.
"We want Australia to walk in the same direction and convert thecarbon market in the center of their political response to climate challenge the carbon market," he said.
Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, today announced a taxof 17.3 euros for the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide fromJuly 1, 2012.
About 500 companies, considered the largest polluters in Australia, will face this tax proposed by the Executive, whichalready won enough votes to be approved soon by the Australian Parliament.
This measure aims to reduce 160 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
The tax will increase by 2.5 percent in real terms until July 2015when it enters into force in Australia an emissions trading scheme in the market to regulate prices.
"I applaud Australia for its commitment to put a price onemissions (carbon dioxide) carbon and introduce emissionstrading scheme starting in July 2015," he said in a statement.
"Our emissions trading system (in Europe) has led the industrymore aware to establish ways of working very creative and innovative solutions that help reduce emissions and reducing costs," he said.
This creativity, he stressed, can also develop skills and experience in the industries of the future.
"We want Australia to walk in the same direction and convert thecarbon market in the center of their political response to climate challenge the carbon market," he said.
Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, today announced a taxof 17.3 euros for the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide fromJuly 1, 2012.
About 500 companies, considered the largest polluters in Australia, will face this tax proposed by the Executive, whichalready won enough votes to be approved soon by the Australian Parliament.
This measure aims to reduce 160 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
The tax will increase by 2.5 percent in real terms until July 2015when it enters into force in Australia an emissions trading scheme in the market to regulate prices.