martes, 26 de abril de 2011

China and Australia signed five cooperation agreements

  • China and Australia signed Tuesday in Beijing, China's capital,five agreements to strengthen constructive cooperation between both countries.Among the agreements, whose signing was witnessed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Australian counterpart, Julia Gillard,include a ministerial-level joint statement on science andtechnology, three memoranda of understanding on customs, tourism, and creating a forum for trade in services between the twonations, and a document on the financing of the proposed iron oremining in Western Australia Karara.In a meeting with Gillard after the signing ceremony of agreements,Wen said China attaches great importance to relations withAustralia and considers the country an "important partner" ofmutually beneficial cooperation.During his four-day official visit to China, Australian Prime Minister, who arrived in Beijing on Monday, will meet with the president, HuJintao, and assist with Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang at theForum for Economic Cooperation and China-Comecial Australia.(Xinhua)

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