lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, begins tomorrow a historic visit to Spain, being the first time that the institutional position of the country's largest ocean

La gobernadora de Australia comienza mañana una visita histórica a EspañaBryce exerts a representative in Australia of Queen Elizabeth II of England, who still holds the Head of State of this country for the links history with the United Kingdom and the membership both to the Commonwealth, the umbrella organization former colonies of the British Empire. The Governor General, who was the first woman to this post in September 2008, will be five days in Spain, divided between Galicia and Madrid, Efe sources have informed the Australian embassy. This happens to visit the Kings made a Australia in June 2009 to strengthen ties political, economic and cultural ties between both countries. That was the second time that Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain visited the antipodes after trip they made in 1988 coinciding with the celebrations of the bicentenary of the arrival of the British Oceania. Bryce, 68 years old, will arrive tomorrow to Santiago Compostela with her husband, Michael, from Italy. During his stay of two days in Galicia, will meet in Santiago with President of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, and visit the shipyard on the river Navantia Ferrol (A Coruña). In the factories that the public has naval Ferrol and Fene, are building two large vessels amphibians, the style of "Juan Carlos I", the largest Spanish Armada, with 230 meters in length, and three combat frigates. The contract for the manufacture of the five boats Australian Navy, signed in 2007, together with other in defense orders awarded by the Government of Canberra, have a total of approximately 10,000 million euros, according to sources. The first of the great vessels was launched last February and Bryce will have the opportunity to see how they evolve work of the second. Delivery will be made in both 2013 and 2015, respectively. As of Tuesday in Madrid, the Princes of Asturias Bryce will offer lunch and her husband at the Palace Real. The governor will be the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero at the Palacio de la Moncloa review the major issues of common interest, such as situation in Afghanistan, where Australia and Spain deployed troops. Also visit the Congress, where the receive President, José Bono, and the city of Madrid, for receive Gold Keys town of hands Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon. His agenda in the capital includes a tour of the facilities that the European manufacturer Airbus has the town of Getafe, which also works in the adaptation of five Australian transport planes. The governor will have some cultural events, including them, the visit to the Prado Museum, where it is move next year to work exposure under the Art Gallery of Queensland, Bryce where it originates. Spain has strengthened in recent years his relationship with Australia and the business opportunities it offers. The largest country in Oceania, which also has a woman, Julia Gillard, as head of government since June 2010, a member of the G-20, a forum whose meetings are Spain has built over the past two years.

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